Name | Type | Language | Deterministic | Return Type | Security Restriction | Comments |
tdis_get_uploads_by_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_uploads | INVOKER | Retrieves the uploads for a given user.
tdis_add_contact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Creates a new contact. Returns the new contact ID.
tdis_get_artifacts_by_user_paginated | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_artifacts | INVOKER |
tdis_get_model | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_models | INVOKER |
tdis_update_layer | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_models_by_user_paginated | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_models | INVOKER |
tdis_get_all_jurisdictions | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_jurisdictions | INVOKER | Retrieves all jurisdictions.
tdis_get_models_by_user_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_models_ids | INVOKER |
tdis_update_contact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Updates an existing contact.
tdis_add_agency | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Creates a new agency. Returns new agency ID.
tdis_get_models_by_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_models | INVOKER |
tdis_get_upload_conflicts_by_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_upload_conflicts | INVOKER | In cases for which an identical filename has been uploaded for the same model in the same path, a conflict will arise. This function returns a set of upload conflicts that may exist for a given user. Note that a synthetic column called
tdis_get_user_id_by_email | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Retrieves the ID of a user given the user’s email address.
tdis_get_intersecting_elements_experimental | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_element_identifiers_geom | INVOKER | |
tdis_add_user_to_project_role | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Adds and existing user to a project role
tdis_get_jurisdiction | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_project_jurisdictions | INVOKER | Retrieves a jurisdiction for a given ID.
tdis_update_collection | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Updates a collection in the dB.
tdis_duplicate_model | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Duplicates or clones an existing model creating a completely new record which is unconnected with the original. Returns the new model’s TDIS Identifier.
tdis_add_user | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Creates a user. Returns the new user’s ID.
tdis_get_uploads_by_model | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_uploads | INVOKER | Retrieves the uploads associated with a given model.
tdis_add_layer_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_search_artifacts | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_artifacts | INVOKER | Takes a standard web search sting, which can include logic like “and”, “or” and “not” and returns artifacts that match the search string in the title, description or purpose fields.
tdis_get_verified_jurisdictions | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_jurisdictions | INVOKER | Retrieves verified jurisdictions.
tdis_get_vertical_datums | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_vertical_datum | INVOKER | Retrieves a list of all vertical datums.
tdis_get_layers_by_user_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers_ids | INVOKER |
tdis_resolve_batch_conflict | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Selects which conflicting files should be chosen as current from amongst multiple possible uploads. This function accepts a TDIS Identifier and the upload batch id which corresponds to the unique upload directory name into which the upload files have been saved. It then archives the files associated with the same TDIS Identifier, but not in that upload batch. It also makes sure that any previously archived files associated with the desired batch are unarchived.
tdis_associate_contact_with_model | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_accept_models | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | ARRAY | INVOKER | Sets the status on a list of TDIS Identifiers to
tdis_add_model | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Creates a new model. Returns the new model’s TDIS Identifier
tdis_delete_layer | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_get_all_contacts | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_contacts | INVOKER | Retrieves all contacts.
tdis_get_artifact | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_artifacts | INVOKER |
tdis_duplicate_artifact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Duplicates or clones an existing artifact creating a completely new record which is unconnected with the original. Returns the new artifacts’s TDIS Identifier.
tdis_get_contact_by_email | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_contacts | INVOKER |
tdis_get_layers_by_user_paginated | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers | INVOKER |
tdis_get_layers_by_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers | INVOKER |
tdis_get_artifacts_by_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_artifacts | INVOKER |
tdis_get_contact_roles | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_contact_role | INVOKER |
tdis_authenticate_user | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF record | INVOKER | |
tdis_delete_contact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_add_artifact_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_archive_by_model | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_uploads | INVOKER | Retrieves the archive uploaded with a given model.
tdis_update_model_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_contact_by_id | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_contacts | INVOKER |
tdis_update_artifact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_get_all_models | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_models | INVOKER | Retrieves all models.
tdis_get_contact_id_by_email | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER |
tdis_get_notifications_for_element | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_notifications | INVOKER |
tdis_update_model | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_upload_conflicts_by_model | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_upload_conflicts | INVOKER | In cases for which an identical filename has been uploaded for the same model in the same path, a conflict will arise. This function returns a set of upload conflicts that may exist for a given model. Note that a synthetic column called
tdis_search_layers | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers | INVOKER | Takes a standard web search sting, which can include logic like “and”, “or” and “not” and returns layers that match the search string in the title, description or purpose fields.
tdis_get_horizontal_projections | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_horizontal_projection | INVOKER | Retrieves a list of all horizontal projections or coordinate systems.
tdis_get_layer | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers | INVOKER |
tdis_duplicate_layer | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Duplicates or clones an existing layer creating a completely new record which is unconnected with the original. Returns the new layer’s TDIS Identifier.
tdis_resolve_conflict | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Archives any uploads with the same filename, associated object (e.g. Model, Layer or Artifact) and parent object (e.g. directory) as the upload indicated by the provided ID.
tdis_get_contacts_by_model | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_element_contacts | INVOKER | Retrieves all contacts associated with a model indicated by TDIS Identifier.
tdis_get_collections | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_collections | INVOKER |
tdis_remove_user_from_project_role | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Removes an existing user from a project role
tdis_get_artifacts_by_user_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_artifacts_ids | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_history | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_element_history | INVOKER |
tdis_add_message | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Sends a message regarding a model given by TDIS Identifier from the provided user.
tdis_get_jurisdictions_by_project | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_project_jurisdictions | INVOKER | Retrieves all jurisdictions for a given project name.
tdis_get_messages_for_element | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_messages | INVOKER |
tdis_get_all_layers | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_layers | INVOKER | Retrieves all layers.
tdis_get_artifact_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | tdis_artifacts_ids | INVOKER |
tdis_authorize_user | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | jsonb | INVOKER | Returns project roles for user if token is valid and current.
tdis_add_project | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Adds a new project to the dB.
tdis_get_layer_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | tdis_layers_ids | INVOKER |
tdis_add_notification | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Sends a notification regarding a model given by TDIS Identifier from the provided user. May include a status change as well.
tdis_get_unverified_jurisdictions | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_jurisdictions | INVOKER | Retrieves unverified jurisdictions.
tdis_set_status | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Use this function to change the status on an existing model.
tdis_delete_artifact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_reset_password | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER | Resets an existing user’s password.
tdis_get_vertical_projections | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_vertical_projection | INVOKER | Retrieves a list of all vertical projections or coordinate systems.
tdis_clean_sessions | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | void | INVOKER | Deletes any expired sessions that have not been elegantly deleted by logout.
tdis_get_collection | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_collections | INVOKER |
tdis_get_vendor_contacts | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | SETOF tdis_contacts | INVOKER | This function retrieves all of the contacts associated with any of the models that the requested user is the creator of. This is intended to function as a sort of
tdis_get_jurisdiction_types | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_jurisdiction_type | INVOKER |
tdis_add_artifact | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_add_layer | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_invalidate_session | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | integer | INVOKER |
tdis_update_artifact_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_remove_contact_from_element | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_delete_model | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER |
tdis_add_model_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_users | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_users | INVOKER | Retrieves all users from the dB. Note that users are not equivalent to contacts. All users are contacts, but not all contacts are users. Users have a login and can access the system.
tdis_get_projects | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_project | INVOKER |
tdis_get_software_list | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_software | INVOKER | Retrieves a list of all software.
tdis_get_model_with_ids | FUNCTION | SQL | false | tdis_models_ids | INVOKER |
tdis_update_layer_ids | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | |
tdis_get_horizontal_datums | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_horizontal_datum | INVOKER | Retrieves a list of all horizontal datums.
tdis_initialize_session | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | jsonb | INVOKER | Creates a new session for an authenticated user. Returns the new session ID.
tdis_add_collection | FUNCTION | PLPGSQL | false | character varying | INVOKER | Adds a new collection to the dB.
tdis_search_models | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_models | INVOKER | Takes a standard web search sting, which can include logic like “and”, “or” and “not” and returns models that match the search string in the title, description or purpose fields.
tdis_get_agencies | FUNCTION | SQL | false | SETOF tdis_agency | INVOKER |